Lacho Freight
20th Anniversary Celebrations
Celebrating 20 years of warehousing service excellence!

Lacho Freight (Pvt) Limited in 2022 turns 20 years. We celebrate this milestone as we thank our clients and all business partners.

For us to have attained this level of operation and be on this growth trajectory, we express gratitude to our staff and management who have tirelessly worked day and night to ensure that our warehousing business stays afloat and continues to meet client needs.

Our journey has not been without its challenges. Throughout the economic crises that befell our economy in the years past as well as the Covid-19 pandemic that brought some organisations to closure, we have remained afloat.

This has been mostly due to the trust our clients have kept in us and continued to seek out our services through the difficult times. For that we express our sincere gratitude.

As we forge ahead and look forward to the next 20 years, it is our hope that all the partnerships formed will continue on as both our businesses continues to flourish.

Throughout this year of celebration, we will share with you our growth journey as well as our ambitions for the future.

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